Land of the lost

Far away in the land of the lost,

There was a man who knew not what friendship cost.

He took his friends around him for granted,

And gave them not what they wanted.

Asked for favours, they were glad to give,

But never returned them, a bad way to live.

Often betrayed their secrets just for fun,

Even thought his friends never betrayed one.

Took the money they were happy to loan,

But when asked for money all they got was a groan.

So one by one, they left him for good,

Soon there was no one to soothe his mood.

Alone and lost in his cold world of misery,

He finally understood all his devilry.

He was a man in the land of the lost,

Who finally knew what friendship cost.

One thought on “Land of the lost

  1. Parvati Shastri says:

    True Expression!

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